Sunday, March 15, 2009

William Hague's visit and Comic Relief

Well Comic Relief day was interesting. I was cajoled into dressing as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz which made the job of teaching excited teenagers much easier. It all brought out the humbug in me.

Plus the fact that William Hague was visiting to open a new computer room. The school day was been completely re-arranged around him and they even brushed the grass. Anyway, fortunately, he did not bump into staff dressed in silly costumes. However, I did make the mistake of telling my class that the photo-copier technician was a secret service agent sweeping for bombs. All hell let loose. One kid did a somersault off a desk. It is incredible that after all my years in teaching, I never learn.

Anyway, Cartimandua has been on my mind again and I have redrafted her poem into three short poems (bargain three for the price of one). Cartimandua was the Brigantian Queen who ruled these parts and had quite an interesting life and set of lovers.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice web page Tracey. Especially like this page. I have had a go too. Will you have a look? Great minds, eh? I think we are doing similar things for the assignment too.

    More of this sort of thing!
